Собор Свв. Апостолов Петра и Павла Passaic 200 Third Street,
Passaic, NJ 07055-7801

Тел: (973) 472-7919
Факс: (973) 779-0428
E-Mail: sspproc@verizon.net


Стефан Казница

Священник Стефан Казница


200 3rd St.
Passaic, NJ 07055

Тел: (973) 772-4501
Тел: (201) 398-5059 Cell
E-mail: frkaz911@verizon.net



Собор Свв. Апостолов Петра и Павла PassaicSS. Peter and Paul was founded March 24, 1902 as a Greek Catholic community. Between six-seven thousand people participated in the parade and solemn dedication services at Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Rite Church on July 13, 1902.
The first rector, the Rev. Vasilius Volosin of Mahonoy City, Pennsylvania assumed charge of the newly formed parish on Passaic's eastside and served until 1905. during this period there were about ten thousand "greeks" in passaic comprising at least six hundred families. in 1905 the parish was accepted directly under the jurisdiction of the roman catholic bishop of newark, new jersey. this decision, consequently, compelled fr. volosin to vacate the parish and was succeeded by the rev. eugene homicsko who served the passaic parish until 1909. this is when the parishioners decided to sever their ties to newark's Roman Catholic Archdiocese, returning to the Holy Orthodox Church. Fr. Homicsko unfortunately did not join this movement of the membership and was compelled to leave the parish.
Rev. John T. Krochmalney assumed charge of the parish in 1909 as the first Orthodox priest. Fr. Krochmalney left on February 15, 1910 and was succeeded by Rev. Alexander A. Hotovitsky. Hence, on Sunday February 20, 1910, Fr. Hotovitsky, the trustees and parishioners decided to submit to the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. On March 6, 1910 the parish became a part of the Aleutian and North American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Rev. Elias Klopotovsky was appointed rector in April 1910. Membership of the parish increased rapidly that it was found necessary to enlarge the church facilities. Designs and plans were at once perfected and the new present temple was constructed through the zealous efforts of the parish membership and the last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II (now glorified along with the Royal Family). The outstanding architect was Mr. Beregesin of New York The new magnificent temple, one of the finest in the US, was erected at the north east comer of Third and Monroe Streets. The Most Rev. Archbishop Platon consecrated the new house of worship in 1911. Rev. Joseph Stefanko succeeded Rev. Klopotovsky in August 1913.
Membership rose to 600 families and several hundred single persons, totaling about 2,500 individuals in 1921. The parish school had 350 students enrolled during the same period. The choir consisted of 50 members and was noted as one of the largest and finest "Russian" choirs in America.

БОГОСЛУЖЕБНЫЙ ЯЗЫК: церковно-славянский, английский
КАЛЕНДАРЬ: юлианский

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